About Us

The “Books of the Bible Puzzle” was conceived during a 3am prayer session by then Evangelist Daina Bennett. She had just made a vow to God that she would Commit to promoting “His Story” for the rest of her life. No sooner than she asked God in prayer what he wanted her to do next, God reminded her of an Activity she was making from her project shop at home. She had been making the “Books of the Bible Puzzle” with a skill saw and using this activity in her Children’s Church classes. The Children enjoyed it! They received their Certificate of Achievement awards in front of the Church signed by their Pastor.

In another 3am prayer session she was instructed to stop making the puzzle by hand and to use her faith to have it well made. She followed God every step of the way! Parents, Grandparents, and friends have purchased as gifts. Also adults entering Theology School, Christian Schools, and Churches have purchased – one Pastor purchased a copy for every family of his Church.

It is our hope that everyone will enjoy this God given activity as much as we have enjoyed making it available.